Thursday, May 22, 2008


Muslims call for the infidels to be expelled from "Muslim" lands, it is every Muslims duty to take up Jihad to expel the occupiers. I must urge all Muslims caution in pursuing this line of logical reasoning and thought, for if you want to compare the validity of cultural claims on territory I must remind you that your claims date no further back than somewhere between 570 and 632 AD.

Ahhh, Constantinople, the city of Constantine... Byzantium that ancient glory of the Greeks.

I might point out that the Greek inhabitants of Byzantium adopted the crescent moon as it's symbol in 670 BC, the Star of the Virgin Mary being added by Constantine in 330 AD (And no... I won't use the politically correct notation of BCE and CE).

Nova Roma, the new capitol of the Roman Empire, built over a period of six years starting in 324 and consecrated on 11 May, 330. Constantinople has a long and glorious history as one of the centers of western Christian civilization until it's final fall to Ottoman Turks in 1453.

Even that great structure, the Hagia Sophia... The Church of the Holy Wisdom of God is a symbol not of Islam, but of the West... oh, and by the way... thanks for the minarets!

Imagine if you would, that the thoughts and mindset that permeate Islam still existed in the West.

Imagine if you would western calls to "Free Constantinople"!!!
Fortunately for you, we are more of the opinion of Jimmy Kennedy in that song made famous by the 'They Might Be Giants' cover...
So take me back to Constantinople
No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works
That's nobody's business but the Turks
~S P Q R~


Quillrose said...

It would be better if we unite with Armenia. They'll take their lost territories while we liberate Constantinople and Smyrna from the Turks. We need a popular liberation movement, a Byzantine Socialist State supported by the masses.

Unknown said...

Europe is for the Europeans. We must not yield to or forget the dark hour that was the loss of Constantinople to Isalm.

Why has Europe allowed the backward stay in this EUROPEAN city?

Unknown said...

First, I greet you, all with the Islamic greeting Asalamu Aleikum! Second, I think it is a good idea and I, a Muslim might support you if the original citizens of Constantinople still are in the city today, because we can't just liberate a city whose people don't even support us and if you guys would tell me who you are when you say WE, because I believe I can't fight side by side with folks I don't even know their ethnicy or background. Thirdly, what are we going to do about those Muslims who were born in the city? Fourthly, is our liberation of Constantinople based on hate, racism, killing and forced evacuation of those that live in the city now and call it home? Thanks! :)

Conquerer said...

First because the of oppression forced down on Christians through the years in this city the population of Christians has dwindled. When people are treated as second class citizens, not allowed to worship freely, and if they don't convert or agree to submit to Dhimmi status they were killed. The Christian nations could easily rise up and free Constantinople from the the 600+ year illegal occupation of Christian lands and the people would be given the same choices given to the Christians in the city 600 years ago. They could renounce Islam, renounce Muhammed as a fake prophet, and convert to Christianity, or live as 2nd class citizens and pay double the amount of taxes then the christian citizens, or try to fight and as every Muslim that has fought the modern Christian armies has found they will be slaughtered like dogs. The Middle East and the entire Muslim world has been at the mercy of the Christian world for over 300 years now and they should be thankful for the mercy they have shown.