Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Puppys are "Ritually Unclean"

British Muslims in Dundee complain about 'cute' puppy in police hat. Tayside police apologise for being insensitive; while they are at it they ought to apologise for their complete and utter lack of cojones too!

This is a perfect example of taking political correctness to an extreme. Okay, so dogs are unclean...are photographs and postcards unclean too?

You can read the whole article at the link below:


Are we so completely and utterly cowed that something that is culturally and socially acceptable by our own mores needs to be apologised for? What's next? Apologising for not wrapping our women up in bedsheets before allowing them outside? And yes, that was a mean and vile statement made to illustrate the point that respect is a two-way street? I am all for respecting other peoples beliefs and values provided that they show the same consideration. It's not like the Tayside police were distributing the "Naked Female Bobbies" calendar through the mail slots. This is a photograph of a dog in a police hat, not the dog itself.

To what extend to we need to bend over backwards in accommodation? Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't realize walking my dog on this public thoroughfare was offensive... in the future I'll just lock him in the basement. If a photographic postcard is offensive can this example be far behind?

I for one am sick and tired of accommodation, can you explain to me why you wanted to come here in the first place if you find everything about us, our culture, and our society offensive? It's not like we are distributing puppy postcards in Mecca or Medina. It is your complete and utter intolerance that is the problem here, not the Tayside Police!

I am sure that we can find just as many things about your culture offensive that you can find in ours... the difference is that unlike you, we are living in our country, society and culture, which has been here for over two thousand years. As it would be our responsibility to adapt and assimilate if we were to move to Riyadh, so it is your responsibility if you wish to live here in the West. I have lived in a foreign, non-western culture...and the last thing I expected was for them to accomodate to me. What goes on the streets of Lahore doesn't necessarily go on the streets of Liverpoole, Leeds, or Luton.

You are welcome to practice Islam on the streets of London, can you say to any Christian , Jew, or Hindu that the same courtesy extends to him on the streets of Riyadh? If you want tolerance, practice tolerance...for a little tolerance will go a long way.

~S P Q R~